- 💰
- 🌉Bridged Value
The amount of value bridged between various chains over various bridging protocols
15 adapters
- 🖨
- 🌀Layer-2 Transaction Fees
The USD transaction fees for basic transactions on Ethereum layer-2s.
9 adapters
- 🏛
- 🕸
- 💰
- 💎
- 🗓
- 📆Average APY
The average yield rate of various lending protocols and yield aggregators across a period of time.
3 adapters
- 🔁
- 🌀Historical Layer-2 Fees
The average transaction fee paid on Ethereum Layer-2s on a given date
2 adapters
- 🥩Proof of Stake Chains
2 adapters
- 🛡Rollup Security Fees
The amount of fees paid by Ethereum rollups for security (data availability, proofs and execution)
2 adapters
- 🏃Active Addresses
Number of addresses that have sent a transaction on a given chain on a given date.
1 adapter
- 🏎Ethereum Beacon Chain
Various beacon chain statistics, such as the current staking APY, the total ETH staked, total ETH paid as rewards, and more
1 adapter
- 🔥
- 💳Layer-1 Transaction Fees
The USD transaction fees for basic transactions on various blockchains.
1 adapter
- tvl
1 adapter
- 🎟