Sub-Adapters 6
Preview and test each sub adapter.
SushiSwap - Ethereum (sushiswap-ethereum)
SushiSwap - Polygon (sushiswap-polygon)
SushiSwap - Fantom (sushiswap-fantom)
SushiSwap - Arbitrum One (sushiswap-arbitrum-one)
SushiSwap - Avalanche (sushiswap-avalanche)
SushiSwap - Binance (sushiswap-binance)
Adapter Code
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Source code
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1export const name = 'SushiSwap Fees';
2export const version = '0.2.5';
3export const license = 'MIT';
5interface NetInfo {
6 subgraph: string;
7 factory: string;
8 blockchain: string;
9 protocolLaunch: string;
12const networks: { [network: string]: NetInfo } = {
13 ethereum: {
14 subgraph: 'sushiswap/exchange',
15 factory: '0xc0aee478e3658e2610c5f7a4a2e1777ce9e4f2ac',
16 blockchain: 'Ethereum',
17 protocolLaunch: '2020-09-09',
18 },
19 polygon: {
20 subgraph: 'sushiswap/matic-exchange',
21 factory: '0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4',
22 blockchain: 'Polygon',
23 protocolLaunch: '2021-02-26',
24 },
25 fantom: {
26 subgraph: 'sushiswap/fantom-exchange',
27 factory: '0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4',
28 blockchain: 'Fantom',
29 protocolLaunch: '2021-02-26',
30 },
31 'arbitrum-one': {
32 subgraph: 'sushiswap/arbitrum-exchange',
33 factory: '0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4',
34 blockchain: 'Arbitrum One',
35 protocolLaunch: '2021-08-31',
36 },
37 avalanche: {
38 subgraph: 'sushiswap/avalanche-exchange',
39 factory: '0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4',
40 blockchain: 'Avalanche',
41 protocolLaunch: '2021-03-15'
42 },
43 binance: {
44 subgraph: 'sushiswap/bsc-exchange',
45 factory: '0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4',
46 blockchain: 'Binance',
47 protocolLaunch: '2021-03-02'
48 }
51export function setup(sdk: Context) {
52 const createFeeDataQuery = (subgraph: string, feePercentage: number) => async (date: string): Promise<number> => {
53 const graphQuery = `query fees($date: Int!) {
54 dayDatas(where: { date: $date }) {
55 volumeUSD
56 }
57 }`;
59 const data = await sdk.graph.query(
60 subgraph,
61 graphQuery,
62 {
63 variables: {
64 date:,
65 },
66 }
67 );
69 if (data.dayDatas.length === 0) {
70 throw new Error(`No Sushi data found on ${date} from ${subgraph}`);
71 }
73 const oneDay = parseFloat(data.dayDatas[0].volumeUSD) * feePercentage;
75 return oneDay;
76 }
78 const createFeeRangeQuery = (subgraph: string, network: string, factory: string, feePercentage: number) => async (startDate: string, endDate: string): Promise<number> => {
79 const startBlock = await sdk.chainData.getBlockNumber(startDate, network);
80 const endBlock = await sdk.chainData.getBlockNumber(endDate, network);
82 const graphQuery = `query fees($startBlock: Int!, $endBlock: Int!) {
83 startValue: factory(id: "${factory}", block: { number: $startBlock }) {
84 volumeUSD
85 }
86 endValue: factory(id: "${factory}", block: { number: $endBlock }) {
87 volumeUSD
88 }
89 }`;
90 network;
92 const data = await sdk.graph.query(
93 subgraph,
94 graphQuery,
95 { variables: { startBlock, endBlock } }
96 );
98 const volumeDiff = data.endValue.volumeUSD - data.startValue.volumeUSD;
99 const fees = volumeDiff * feePercentage;
100 return fees;
101 }
103 const metadata = {
104 category: 'dex',
105 name: 'SushiSwap',
106 description: 'SushiSwap is a community-owned permissionless, decentralized exchange',
107 feeDescription: 'Trading fees are paid by traders to liquidity providers and SUSHI stakers',
108 source: 'The Graph Protocol',
109 tokenTicker: 'SUSHI',
110 tokenCoingecko: 'sushi',
111 website: '',
112 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmVAko4auvE2NDr8kfnovVqTqujrJ69YrUZQFPZeREMWk5', 'image/svg+xml'),
113 protocolLaunch: '2020-09-09',
114 };
116 sdk.registerBundle('sushi', metadata);
118 Object.entries(networks).map(([network, { subgraph, factory, blockchain, protocolLaunch }]: [string, NetInfo]) => {
119 sdk.register({
120 id: `sushiswap-${network}`,
121 bundle: 'sushi',
122 queries: {
123 oneDayTotalFees: createFeeDataQuery(subgraph, 0.003),
124 oneDayProtocolFees: createFeeDataQuery(subgraph, 0.0005),
125 dateRangeTotalFees: createFeeRangeQuery(subgraph, network, factory, 0.003),
126 dateRangeProtocolFees: createFeeRangeQuery(subgraph, network, factory, 0.0005),
127 },
128 metadata: {
129 ...metadata,
130 subtitle: blockchain,
131 blockchain,
132 protocolLaunch,
133 },
134 })
135 })
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