Sub-Adapters 1
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Lyra (lyra)
- ID
- lyra
- name
- icon
- category
- description
"Lyra is a decentralized exchange on the Optimism L2."
- feeDescription
"Trading fees are paid by traders to Lyra liquidity providers."
- blockchain
- source
"The Graph Protocol"
- website
- protocolLaunch
- tokenTicker
- tokenCoingecko
Adapter Code
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Source code
Showing TS source.
1export const name = 'Lyra Fees';
2export const version = '0.0.3';
3export const license = 'MIT';
5export function setup(sdk: Context) {
6 const getOneDayTotalFees = async (date: string): Promise<number> => {
7 const startTimestamp = Math.floor(;
8 const nextDayDate =, 1);
9 const endTimestamp = Math.floor(;
10 const now = new Date();
11 const startOfDay = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
12 const startOfDateTimestamp = startOfDay.getTime() / 1000;
14 if (startTimestamp > startOfDateTimestamp) {
15 return null // return null if querying current date
16 }
18 const marketsQuery = `query markets($first: Int) {
19 markets (first: $first) {
20 id
21 name
22 }
23 }
24 `
26 const marketsData = await'', {
27 "query": `{\n markets (first: 1000) {\n id \n name\n }\n}`});
29 const query = `query marketVolumeAndFeesSnapshots(
30 $market: String!, $endTimestamp: Int!, $period: Int!
31 ) {
32 marketVolumeAndFeesSnapshots(first: 1, orderBy: timestamp, orderDirection: desc, where: {
33 market: $market,
34 timestamp_lte: $endTimestamp,
35 period_gte: $period
36 }) {
37 id
38 timestamp
39 period
40 premiumVolume
41 notionalVolume
42 totalPremiumVolume
43 totalNotionalVolume
44 spotPriceFees
45 optionPriceFees
46 vegaFees
47 varianceFees
48 deltaCutoffFees
49 liquidatorFees
50 smLiquidationFees
51 lpLiquidationFees
52 }
53 }
54 `;
56 const data = await Promise.all( (marketData) => {
57 const endOfDaySnapshot = await'',
58 {"query":`
59 {
60 \n
61 marketVolumeAndFeesSnapshots(first: 1,
62 orderBy: timestamp,
63 orderDirection: desc,
64 where: {\n
65 market: \"${}", \n
66 timestamp_lte: ${endTimestamp}, \n
67 period_gte: 86400\n })
68 {\n id\n timestamp\n period\n premiumVolume\n notionalVolume\n totalPremiumVolume\n totalNotionalVolume\n spotPriceFees\n optionPriceFees\n vegaFees\n varianceFees\n deltaCutoffFees\n liquidatorFees\n smLiquidationFees\n lpLiquidationFees\n }\n}`});
69 return {
70 end:[0]
71 }
72 })) as any
74 const feesByMarket = => {
75 let fees = 0
76 const endOfDaySnapshot = marketData.end
77 if (endOfDaySnapshot) {
78 const endOfDayFees = (parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.deltaCutoffFees)
79 + parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.lpLiquidationFees)
80 + parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.optionPriceFees)
81 + parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.spotPriceFees)
82 + parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.vegaFees)
83 + parseInt(endOfDaySnapshot.varianceFees))/Math.pow(10, 18)
84 fees += Math.max(0, endOfDayFees)
85 }
86 return fees
87 })
88 return feesByMarket.reduce((total, marketFees) => total + marketFees, 0);
89 }
91 sdk.register({
92 id: 'lyra',
93 queries: {
94 oneDayTotalFees: getOneDayTotalFees,
95 },
96 metadata: {
97 name: 'Lyra',
98 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmP11N7n6rQT3WWLmgUWksYrEZsRMrfy6NiiP7vjNEhr8P', 'image/png'),
99 category: 'dex',
100 description: 'Lyra is a decentralized exchange on the Optimism L2.',
101 feeDescription: 'Trading fees are paid by traders to Lyra liquidity providers.',
102 blockchain: 'Optimism',
103 source: 'The Graph Protocol',
104 website: '',
105 protocolLaunch: '2022-05-01', // Data should be available from this date, onwards
106 tokenTicker: 'LYRA',
107 tokenCoingecko: 'lyra-finance', // The CoinGecko API ID
108 },
109 })
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