Sub-Adapters 1
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Osmosis (osmosis)
- ID
- osmosis
- name
- category
- icon
- description
"Osmosis is an advanced AMM protocol built using the Cosmos SDK"
- feeDescription
"Trading fees are paid to liquidity providers"
- source
"Osmosis API"
- tokenTicker
- tokenCoingecko
- website
- protocolLaunch
Adapter Code
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Source code
Showing TS source.
1export const name = 'Osmosis Fees & Issuance';
2export const version = '0.2.4';
3export const license = 'MIT';
4export const description = 'Fee data is pulled from the Osmosis indexer server, while issuance is calculated using the hardcoded issuance rate';
6const GENESIS_SUPPLY = 100_000_000;
7const GENESIS_TIME = '2021-06-18 18:00:00';
8const ISSUED_IN_FIRST_YEAR = 300_000_000;
9const MS_IN_YEAR = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
11export function setup(sdk: Context) {
12 // Cache the API result, so we only need to request it once
13 let feeDataPromise: Promise<any> | null = null;
14 const getFeeData = () => {
15 if (!feeDataPromise) {
16 feeDataPromise = sdk.http.get('');
17 }
18 return feeDataPromise;
19 }
21 const getOsmosisFee = async (date: string): Promise<number> => {
22 const data = await getFeeData();
24 for (const day of data) {
25 if (day.time === date) {
26 return day.fees_spent;
27 }
28 }
29 return 0;
30 }
32 // In the first year, there will be a total of 300 million tokens released.
33 // After 365 days, this will be cut by ⅓, and thus there will be a total of
34 // 200 million tokens released in Year 2. In Year 3, there will be a total
35 // of 133 million tokens released. And so on.
36 //
37 const getIssuance = async () => {
38 const price = await sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice('osmosis');
39 return ISSUED_IN_FIRST_YEAR / 365 * price;
40 }
42 const getIssuanceRate = async () => {
43 const msSinceGenesis = (new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(GENESIS_TIME)).getTime();
44 const yearsSinceGenesis = msSinceGenesis / MS_IN_YEAR;
45 const supply = (yearsSinceGenesis * ISSUED_IN_FIRST_YEAR) + GENESIS_SUPPLY;
46 const issuanceRate = ISSUED_IN_FIRST_YEAR / supply;
47 return issuanceRate;
48 }
50 sdk.register({
51 id: 'osmosis',
52 queries: {
53 oneDayTotalFees: getOsmosisFee,
54 oneDayIssuanceUSD: getIssuance,
55 issuance7DayAvgUSD: getIssuance,
56 issuanceRateCurrent: getIssuanceRate,
57 },
58 metadata: {
59 name: 'Osmosis',
60 category: 'dex',
61 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmaPe4CFwjoN3orMzYUhrXYfYdsbpJn497i2bHJJjzEgPL', 'image/svg+xml'),
62 description: 'Osmosis is an advanced AMM protocol built using the Cosmos SDK',
63 feeDescription: 'Trading fees are paid to liquidity providers',
64 source: 'Osmosis API',
65 tokenTicker: 'OSMO',
66 tokenCoingecko: 'osmosis',
67 website: '',
68 protocolLaunch: '2021-06-24',
69 },
70 })
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