Sub-Adapters 1
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Helium (helium)
- ID
- helium
- name
- icon
- protocolLaunch
- category
- description
"Helium is a decentralized machine network powered by a physical blockchain"
- issuanceDescription
"Transaction rewards are minted and paid to miners."
- blockchain
- source
"Helium API"
- website
- tokenTicker
- tokenCoingecko
Adapter Code
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Source code
Showing TS source.
1export const name = 'Helium - Issuance';
2export const version = '0.0.1';
3export const license = 'MIT';
4export const description = 'Calculate issuance rate and total USD issuance using Helium API';
5export const changeLog = 'Initial commit';
7export function setup(sdk: Context) {
8 // Helper functions, could be in sdk
9 function daysAgo(days: number) {
10 const startDate = new Date( - (86400 * 1000 * days))
11 const month = (startDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')
12 const day = startDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')
13 const startDateString = `${startDate.getFullYear()}-${month}-${day}`
14 return startDateString
15 }
17 const getRewards = async (startDate: string, endDate: string): Promise<any> => {
18 // Doc:
19 // Fetch can fail if date range is too spread
20 const min_time = startDate + 'T00:00:00Z'
21 const max_time = endDate + 'T00:00:00Z'
22 const url = `${min_time}&max_time=${max_time}&bucket=day`
23 const data = await sdk.http.get(url)
24 return; // In helium units
25 }
27 const getHeliumIssuanceData = async () => {
28 const today = daysAgo(0)
29 const totalRewards = await getRewards(daysAgo(7), today);
30 const hntPrice = await sdk.coinGecko.getHistoricalPrice('helium', today)
31 const issuance = totalRewards * hntPrice / 7
32 return issuance;
33 };
35 const getInflationRateFromSupply = async () => {
36 const rewards_thisWeek = await getRewards(daysAgo(8), daysAgo(0)); // 7 days, inclusive
37 const supply = await sdk.http.get('')
38 // sdk.log(rewards_thisWeek, supply)
39 const rate = (rewards_thisWeek / supply) * (365 / 7);
40 return rate;
41 }
43 sdk.register({
44 id: 'helium',
45 queries: {
46 issuance7DayAvgUSD: getHeliumIssuanceData,
47 issuanceRateCurrent: getInflationRateFromSupply,
48 },
49 metadata: {
50 name: 'Helium',
51 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmYNpjeXeZhKGQ7PPw4Fy4LwPJLhZ3PYXWenhmSKRvSnvf', 'image/webp'),
52 protocolLaunch: '2019-07-29',
53 category: 'blockchain',
54 description: 'Helium is a decentralized machine network powered by a physical blockchain',
55 issuanceDescription: 'Transaction rewards are minted and paid to miners.',
56 blockchain: 'Helium',
57 source: 'Helium API',
58 website: '',
59 tokenTicker: 'HNT',
60 tokenCoingecko: 'helium',
61 },
62 })
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